Data flow API

Client code describes work by constructing data flow driven graphs of the operations that implement a research protocol or high level computational method. Graphs and adaptive logic are communicated to the execution middleware, which manages task execution to satisfy the data dependencies for the results requested by the client script.

Ref: for the latest details.

Object Model

Note that the following discussion does not use “Type” and “Instance” in a way that necessarily maps to the data model or typing system of any particular programming language. If it helps you, consider that “XType” and “XInstance” may be facets of the same software component, or collaborating entities. An “Object” is intended to refer to a unique entity that participates in the workflow definition.

The implementation of a ScaleMS Command, then, generally implements facets encompassing the following minimal schema (some of which may be aliases):

  • CommandType

  • CommandInputType

  • CommandResultType

  • CommandInstance

  • CommandInputInstance

  • CommandResultInstance

A concrete data type could be considered to be a degenerate version of a Command, in which some facets are self-referential.

At the workflow level, the basic object model looks like this.

abstract Object <<Mapping>> {
    {abstract} identifier

abstract class ResourceType {
    {abstract} ImplementationIdentifier

class Description {
shape: Tuple
{abstract} ResourceType type()

interface Referent {
    uid: Fingerprint

class Reference {

Reference .. Referent

class Field <<Mapping>> {
    {static} name
    {method} Description get(Label key)

ResourceType "0..*" *-- Field

abstract class CommandType {
    input: InputType
    result: ResultType
    {abstract} interface: Description

CommandType *-- Description

abstract class InputType
abstract class ResultType

CommandType --> InputType
CommandType --> ResultType

ResourceType <|-- CommandType

abstract class CommandInstance <<Task>> {
    uid: Fingerprint
    {abstract} label: UserString
    input: InputReference
    result: ResultReference

CommandInstance *-- CommandType
CommandInstance "*" *-- Reference

abstract class DataType {
    {static} implementation_identifier
    {abstract} Field data
ResourceType <|-- DataType

abstract class DataInstance {
    uid: Fingerprint
    {abstract} label: UserString
    {abstract} data: Bytes

DataInstance *- DataType

Object <|-- ResourceType
Object <|-- DataInstance
Object <|-- CommandInstance

This object model is easily represented with schema based on simple structured data, and therefore easily serialized for portability or check-pointing.

Generally, objects fall in two categories:

  • resources

  • resource types

A Type (or a reference to a Type) needs to convey enough information that ScaleMS software can locate implementation details, including relationships to other Types, and software modules responsible for providing UI helpers, run time support, and a method for fingerprinting Instance objects. A Type is assumed to be immutable and should be defined before it is referenced, but the definition may be a private detail of a ScaleMS software component.

An Instance has a reference to a Type as part of its prototypical data. The Instance will contain the same Field names as the corresponding Type, but with different semantics. Instance Fields reference Instance objects rather than Types. Instance input Fields are immutable references to Instances providing input. Instance results Fields may reference the current instance (such as when there is no more concrete data source (currently) available), and may be modified as the workflow state is updated.

This level of representation does not specifically address workflow state, but some amount of state is appropriate to encode. Namely, we allow that the result reference of a CommandInstance may point to the current task if the result is not yet known, or it may reference another object if the command has been deferred/dispatched or resolved to a concrete data instance.

An Instance may be stateful, but must be uniquely identifiable in terms of its immutable details from the time it is declared. Its identifier is a uid that is constructed by “fingerprinting” the node. A node fingerprint incorporates the semantics of the node (a unique label of the behavior of the implementing code), and its inputs (either constant parameters or the uid of the input source). The pairing of a uid with results references is intended to uniquely identify results at any point in their lifetime (or before).


class MyCommandInstance {
    inputs: MyInputReference
    results: MyResultReference

MyCommandInstance "1" *- MyResultReference : results

object command<<MyCommandInstance>>
command : results not yet available

object myResultInstance<<MyResultType>> {
    concrete results

MyResultReference <|.. command
MyResultReference <|.. "myResultInstance"

class Input <<Reference>> {

MyCommandInstance "0..*" -- "1..*" Task
MyCommandInstance "0..*" -- "1..*" Data
(MyCommandInstance, Task) . Input
(MyCommandInstance, Data) . Input